Sports Medicine and Lameness

From puzzling podiatry issues to chronic joint pain, Dr. Tracey is prepared to assist you in the management and treatment of your horse's orthopedic issues. Palmetto Equine offers a full line of diagnostic and treatment options for most equine lameness issues. From neck to back to legs, we are here to help you provide your horse with top notch care so they can perform at their best!

A lameness exam, brief or in depth, is the first step in evaluating your horse's gait and performance. Nerve blocks and joint blocks will help determine the source of pain. At times, numbing one source of pain will uncover other injuries that were previously disguised. Combined with gait evaluation and digital imaging, a diagnosis is formed and treatment options are presented.


Tendons tears, ligament damage, hock arthritis, navicular syndrome, club feet, seedy toe, ringbone, sore back... no matter the issue we can diagnose the problem and outline the appropriate treatment and rehabilitation program.

Treatment options include:

  • Joint injections with corticosteroid, hyaluronic acid, or ProStride (advanced joint therapy).

  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injection for soft tissue or joint injury.

  • Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (Versatron) for soft tissue injury and muscle pain.

  • Ultrasound guided sacro-iliac joint injections.

  • Radiograph guided alcohol lower hock joint fusion.